British Museum Magazine

Archivado desde Number 1, Spring 1990
Archivo Completo

109 issues

Founded in 1753, the British Museum is the oldest and greatest publicly funded museum in the world, exhibiting two million years of human history and culture. Its collections focus on human history and culture and include over seven million objects. Enlightenment ideals and values – critical scrutiny of all assumptions, open debate, scientific research, progress and tolerance – have marked the Museum since its foundation.

The British Museum Magazine explores the Museum’s collection of 8 million objects through the eyes of its curators and experts. Published three times a year, the magazine showcases the latest exhibitions, acquisitions and research from across the Museum and around the world, alongside striking visuals.

Subscribers will have fully-searchable access to the full archive, which encompasses 30 years’ worth of issues and stretches back to the very first issue published in Spring 1990. Readers can study the historical developments of the British Museum as it has evolved over the decades, as well as explore articles from over 90 issues.

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  • Acceso completamente buscable al creciente archivo de números actuales y anteriores.
  • Elementos de accesibilidad inclusiva, como texto sin formato y tecnología de lectura en voz alta.
  • Acceso ilimitado autenticado por IP y opciones de acceso remoto disponibles.
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Totalmente buscable

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Soporte Integral

Disfrute de soporte técnico rápido y de alta calidad por parte de nuestro equipo dedicado.

  • Primer Número: Number 1, Spring 1990
  • Último número: Winter 2024, Issue 110
  • Cantidad de números: 109
  • Publicado: Tres veces al año
  • ISSN: 3049-5962