The work of Michel Foucault – philosopher, historian, political activist, gay icon – was described at his death in 1984 as ‘the most important event of thought in our century’.
The author of classics such as The History of Sexuality and Discipline and Punish developed concepts of power, authorship, transgression and sex which have transformed how we think about the links between individuals and society. He overturned our assumptions about the experience and perception of madness, sexuality and criminality, and the often brutal social practices of confinement, confession and discipline.
Chris Horrocks and Zoran Jevtic’s graphic guide explores Foucault’s debt to philosophers such as Nietzsche, Kant, Sartre and Heidegger, his cult status in 1970s America, his curious support of the Iranian Revolution, his spat with Jean Baudrillard and much more.
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