Introducing Capitalism: A Graphic Guide

Dan Cryan, Sharron Shatil & Piero

The history, philosophy and politics of one of the biggest, most successful but most controversial ideas ever.

Capitalism now dominates the globe and influences everything from laws, wars and government to interpersonal relationships. Introducing Capitalism tells the story of its remarkable and often ruthless rise, evolving through strife and struggle as much as innovation and enterprise.

Dan Cryan and Sharron Shatil, with Piero’s brilliant graphics, cover the major economic, social and political developments that shaped the world we live in, such as the rise of banking, the founding of america and the opium Wars. the book explores the leading views for and against, including thinkers like adam Smith, Karl Marx, theodor adorno and Milton Friedman, the connections between them and their historical context.

Few ideas have had as much impact on our everyday lives as capitalism. Introducing Capitalism is the essential companion.

Fonctionnalités d'abonnement

  • Accès entièrement consultable à l'archive en constante croissance des numéros actuels et antérieurs.
  • Fonctionnalités d'accessibilité incluses, telles que le texte brut et la technologie de 'lecture à haute voix'.
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  • Compatibilité multiplateforme avec tous les appareils Web, iOS et Android.
  • Rapports d'utilisation, enregistrements MARC et excellent support client.

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  • Auteur: Dan Cryan, Sharron Shatil & Piero
  • Rédacteur: n/a
  • Editeur: Icon Books
  • ISBN: 9781848310551