Seasonal Disturbances

Karen McCarthy Woolf

Second Place Winner of the 2020 Laurel Prize for Ecopoetry

A 2017 Poetry Book Society Recommendation

Following her groundbreaking 2014 début An Aviary of Small Birds (‘technically perfect poems of winged heartbreak’ – Observer), Karen McCarthy Woolf returns with Seasonal Disturbances.

Set against a backdrop of ecological and emotional turbulence, these poems are charged yet meditative explorations of nature, the city, and the self. A sinister CEO presides over a dystopian hinterland where private detectives investigate crimes against hollyhocks; Halcyon is discovered as a dead kingfisher, washed up on an Italian beach. Lyrical and inventive, McCarthy Woolf’s poems test classic and contemporary forms, from a disrupted zuihitsu that considers her relationship with water, to the landay, golden shovel, and gram of &.

As a fifth-generation Londoner and daughter of a Jamaican émigré, McCarthy Woolf makes a variety of linguistic subversions that critique the rhetoric of the British class system. Political as they may be, these poems are not reportage: they aim to inspire what the author describes as an ‘activism of the heart, where we connect to and express forces of renewal and love’.

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  • Accès entièrement consultable à l'archive en constante croissance des numéros actuels et antérieurs.
  • Fonctionnalités d'accessibilité incluses, telles que le texte brut et la technologie de 'lecture à haute voix'.
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  • Rapports d'utilisation, enregistrements MARC et excellent support client.

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  • Auteur: Karen McCarthy Woolf
  • Editeur: Carcanet
  • ISBN: 9781784103361