
John F. Deane

Shortlisted for the 2016 Irish Times/Poetry Now Award

John F. Deane is a vital presence in contemporary Irish poetry. The poems in Semibreve combine lyric grace with a fiercely questing intelligence, pushing against the mysteries of faith in a fractured world, paying tribute to the value of human life and love. Running through the book is a thread of elegy for the poet’s brother, who died of cancer in 2010. Throughout, Deane gives poetic voice to the paradox of human existence as simultaneously ‘blessed and broken’.

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  • Accès entièrement consultable à l'archive en constante croissance des numéros actuels et antérieurs.
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  • Auteur: John F. Deane
  • Editeur: Carcanet
  • ISBN: 9781847772695