Collected Poems

Lynette Roberts

The work of an original, haunting and experimental woman modernist poet is made available again, for the first in 50 years. Lynette Roberts is principally a war poet, in that her two published collections take as their subject a woman's life in wartime. But she is also, or therefore, a love poet and a poet of the hearth. A late-modernist, she works on two scales at the same time: the mythic and the domestic.


Those poets and readers who have valued Roberts' work have been experimentalists. Even at this distance, she challenges and instructs, at the level of diction, syntax and achieved form. She relentlessly opens out the language of poetry, she is free with extremes of subject, scale and conception, and her work has flourished in its very marginality. Now, with republication, she is restored as an extraordinary poet in the development of twentieth century British poetry. As a Welsh writer, her best work stands alongside that of her near-contemporaries, David Jones, R.S. Thomas and Dylan Thomas. As a woman poet, her work bears comparison with that of both Mina Loy and Djuna Barnes.

Funzionalità di abbonamento

  • Accesso completamente ricercabile all'archivio in costante crescita degli attuali e dei numeri passati.
  • Caratteristiche di accessibilità inclusiva come il testo semplice e la tecnologia "Read Aloud".
  • Accesso illimitato autenticato tramite IP e opzioni di accesso remoto disponibili.
  • Compatibilità multi-piattaforma con tutti i dispositivi Web, iOS e Android.
  • Report sull'uso, record MARC ed eccellente supporto clienti.

Accesso IP

Accesso autenticato tramite IP senza soluzione di continuità su una varietà di piattaforme, tra cui web, iOS e Android.

Totalmente ricercabile

Ricerca avanzata che include operatori logici e corrispondenze tra titoli.

Supporto completo

Goditi l'alta qualità e il supporto tecnico tempestivo da parte del nostro team dedicato.

  • Autore: Lynette Roberts
  • Editore: Carcanet
  • ISBN: 9781857548426