Pagan Dawn

Archiviato dal Digital Exclusive: We Emerge
Archivio Moderno

49 issues

Pagan Dawn is a quarterly magazine covering polytheism, esoteric arts, history and the environment. It caters to all those who are interested in nature-based spirituality, philosophy and cultural history and features articles, reviews and research. Its coverage ranges from cutting edge academic thought to people profiles of activists and volunteers.

Originally a newsletter entitled “The Wiccan”, Pagan Dawn has published continually since 1968, making it the longest running esoteric periodical in the world. It was retitled in 1994 to reflect its expanded coverage of all Pagan paths, including Druidry, Shamanism, Heathenry and many more worldwide faiths.

Pagan Dawn is the official magazine of the Pagan Federation and reflects its aims in promoting a positive profile for Paganism and supporting all Pagans to ensure they have the same rights as the followers of other beliefs and religions.

Exclusive to the Pagan Dawn online edition is “We Emerge”, a history of the Pagan Federation, originally produced as a limited edition in the 1990s and features a reproduction of the very first “The Wiccan” newsletter and excerpts from the subsequent 15 years. More exclusive content will be added to each new issue of Pagan Dawn, in addition to “Green Pages”, the directory of national and international Pagan groups and meet-ups.

You can sample Issue 186 now for free and experience the rich mysteries of the Japanese Shinto Mythos, read about the growth of paganism amongst teenagers, learn of the art of healing, how to live in ecocabins and an interview with the rock band DC Fontana.

Ultimo Numero:

A packed issue with plenty to stir your imagination and inspire your practice. We delve into The Shadow Side of Runes, embrace the Enchanted Herbs of Samhain and settle into winter with Plant Spirit Work in The Dark Months. 
We also take a look at menopause from a pagan perspective, magical theatrics, the dichotomy of death and the complications of Ancestral Veneration. 
Plus so much more!!

Vuoi un assaggio del contenuto di Pagan Dawn? Iscriviti qui alle notifiche dei nuovi numeri per ricevere avvisi via email ogni volta che viene pubblicato un nuovo numero, insieme ai suoi punti salienti editoriali.

Funzionalità di abbonamento

  • Accesso completamente ricercabile all'archivio in costante crescita degli attuali e dei numeri passati.
  • Caratteristiche di accessibilità inclusiva come il testo semplice e la tecnologia "Read Aloud".
  • Accesso illimitato autenticato tramite IP e opzioni di accesso remoto disponibili.
  • Compatibilità multi-piattaforma con tutti i dispositivi Web, iOS e Android.
  • Report sull'uso, record MARC ed eccellente supporto clienti.

Aree di ricerca: Art & Design

Accesso IP

Accesso autenticato tramite IP senza soluzione di continuità su una varietà di piattaforme, tra cui web, iOS e Android.

Totalmente ricercabile

Funzione di ricerca avanzata che ti consente di cercare per titolo, numero e anno.

Supporto completo

Goditi l'alta qualità e il supporto tecnico tempestivo da parte del nostro team dedicato.

  • Primo numero Digital Exclusive: We Emerge
  • Ultimo Numero: Issue 233 - Samhain 2024
  • Totale numeri: 49
  • Pubblicato: Non fissata
  • ISSN: ISSN 3050-0575