Poems - Francois Villon

Francois Villon

François Villon was born in Paris in 1431. His life was blighted by destitution and ill health, robbery and murder, torture and exile. While we do not know what became of Villon after his 32nd year, the poems he produced in just six years capture in forceful, intelligent and candid verse the low and high life of Paris. They constitute a body of work with few rivals in the literature of his own country or in that of any other. His work was greatly admired by Ezra Pound, who ranked him with Sappho and Catullus in his pantheon of great lyric poets. Peter Dale has revised his translations for this new edition.

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  • Autore: Francois Villon
  • Editore: Carcanet
  • ISBN: 9780856463235