MIX Magazine cover image. MIX Magazine cover image. MIX Magazine cover image.

MIX Magazine

Archived since Issue 36
Modern Archive

44 issues

Since its inception in 2004, MIX Magazine has carved a successful niche as a source of accurate and tangible colour, trend and material forecasting information used as a main reference by the design sector. This unique publication will guide you through the new trends for the season, both 1 and 2 years ahead, help you understand the trend gathering process, focusing on key industry and social drivers, plus will look at the way these trends will be disseminated into the mass market by early adopters all with vibrant colours, realistic textures and first generation imagery.

In MIX Magazine we aim not to just chart the process of trends but also clarify them explaining where these ideas have come from and also how they are impacting the market. We speak with design teams, analyse colour trends from trade shows and exhibitions and also report on inspirational materials. 

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Subscription Features

  • Fully-searchable access to the growing archive of current and back issues.
  • Inclusive accessibility features, such as plain text and 'Read Aloud' technology.
  • Unlimited IP-authenticated access and remote access options available.
  • Cross-platform compatibility with all Web, iOS and Android devices.
  • Usage reports, KBART data, MARC records and excellent customer support.

Research Areas: Art & Design

IP Access

Seamless IP-authenticated access on a range of platforms including web, iOS and Android.

Fully Searchable

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Comprehensive Support

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  • First Issue: Issue 36
  • Latest Issue: MIX Report | Show Reports 2024
  • Issue Count: 44
  • Published: Quarterly
  • ISSN: 2516-3183